DB Master 09 is a generic editor for the database files used in the EA-Sports FIFA series.
Suppose you are editing the teamplayerlinks table, the first column is a number identifying the team, the second column is a number identifying the player. Wouldn’t you like to see immediately the name of the team and the name of the player ? Or maybe you are editing the formations table where each number is a different position of the player in the field, wouldn’t you like to see a description of the role like “Advanced Midfielder” or “Right Wing Back” ?
That is what Intelli-Edit does! But what is more interesting is that this is not embedded in the DB Master 09 executable code, but can be customized using an XML file that can be easily modified, using a simple text editor, to fit different database structure. This makes of DB Master 09 an open system ready for the editing of any new game of the FIFA series.